Goalondo Steamer Curry

Goalondo Steamer Curry is a legendary dish which is the epitome of simplicity. It was one of the favourite dishes of Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore. Simple, rustic and rich with history, this fowl (chicken) curry holds a saga of Padma and Brahmaputra and probably, the melody of Bhatiyali song.Goalondo, a small place situated at the junction of Padma and Brahmaputra used to be a transport hub back then. With daily steamer service this place used to connect passengers to Narayanganj, Sylhet, Chittagong and Assam.The fact that it is cooked with minimum ingredients made me salute those boatmen for this massively creative dish. No powder spices are used in the recipe, neither whole spices. Only onion, garlic, ginger, chilli and the magic is created. The dish is cooked with absolutely no water. The moisture of the chicken and onion are enough to do the job.


1 kg chicken
5 medium sized onion, roughly chopped
10 garlic clove
1 inch ginger, finely chopped
5 green chillies, chopped
7 dry red chillies, coarsed into pieces
1/2 tea-spoon turmeric powder (optional)
3 table-spoon mustard oil 
salt, according to taste.


Marinate the chicken for atleast 2 hours with all the ingredients mentioned in For Marination section.
Heat an wok (I used iron wok) and add the marinated chicken.
Cover the lid and cook over low to medium flame until the chicken turns tender.
No need to add water as the chicken will be cooked in its own juice.
Finally, the Goalondo Steamer Curry is ready to be served hot with steamed rice and don’t forget to squeeze a piece of lemon to enhance the taste.
